Dear Client,

Google recently made a big update related to security in its popular Chrome Web Browser. This update works when users input information in a form on a website that is not secured with SSL, the browser will display a warning: NOT SECURED.

This update in Chrome is important for website owners, but it could pass a false sense of security when people surf the web. Let’s discuss what to look out for and how to make sure you’re protected.

What is SSL?  SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. A site with an SSL certificate provides an encrypted link between the website and your browser so that the information you send through the website (such as your credit card or login details) remains private while in transit to the website’s server.

How to Identify A Secured Website?  You can identify a site using SSL in a number of ways. Web addresses on secure domains will start with https:// instead of http://. Your browser will also display a padlock icon indicating that the site is secure. There may also be a site seal or other indicator on the website itself noting it’s an encrypted transaction. Your Site Needs SSL The Google Chrome update has been a important call-to-action for website owners to add SSL to their website. Even if your site does not offer e-commerce, Chrome will flag the site as not secure if someone enters text into any web form. This means all WordPress sites with comment forms will be flagged. Even a site with just a search box can trigger a warning. Not having an SSL certificate for your website may lead to reduced comments on your blog, fewer people filling out contact forms, and people abandoning your site, fearing it might not be safe overall.

Thankfully, the cost of adding SSL to websites has dropped significantly, putting them in reach of all website owners. Axial Worldwide Corporation offers SSL certificates starting at just Rs.1,200/- per year. Follow the LINK HERE to order yours SSL Certificate.  If you run a website, don’t delay. Protect your visitors by adding an SSL certificate to your website.

Bazar, Dekabr 24, 2017

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